[archived news]

April 2004
May 2004


Lukewarm Reunion Tour! Lukewarm will be holding a reunion "tour" at Dagistino's Bistro on Broad Street within the next month. Dates are still tenative, so keep checking back under the Shows section to find out exactly when.


We have only one show booked at present, but are looking for many more between now and then. For updates on show dates/times, check out the Shows section. If you are interested in booking Leda Swan for a show, feel free to e-mail the band at [email protected]. We are open for all venues and show lengths. Thank you.

The site is now up for views; sorry, but, not all sections are up yet. Look around and enjoy.

Our Forum is up and running now, so sign up and check it out. You can put your own topic, and keep checking back - sometimes we put up topics for the band like suggestions for songs, etc.

One more original added to the setlist - 'A Little Wonder'

The final mixes of our four demo tracks on 'Poor Greg' are ready and available for download.
Check them out in the Media section.


Photos from the Central School Gig are up; more are coming soon...

We played a house party last night and have some videos up from that gig. Check them out in the media section and let us know what you think on the forum.


Stickers were picked up; you can purchase them in the merchandise section. Added video from Jud Norman's CD release party. Check it out in the media section.

Two more originals - "Beginning With You Here" and "The Nighttime Under/Over Rain Song,"

Received a new show date.

The Manhattan Station show has been postponed. We plan on rescheduling with A Joint Effort soon, so check back often for more details....

We have a gig on May 16th with A Joint Effort, check the shows section for more details.


Two new originals added to set list - "Casual Sex" & "The Smokes."

As promised, we now have footage from our last practice in the media section.